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The Age Of Mobile Responsive Design

The Age Of Mobile Responsive Design

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Let’s take a look at one of the most exciting — and liberating — changes that’s come along for website design in recent web history …

What is mobile responsive design?

When a website is responsive, the layout and/or content responds or, adapts based on the size of the screen of a visitors device. A responsive website automatically changes to fit the device you’re reading it on. Typically, there have been four general screen sizes that responsive design has been aimed at: the widescreen desktop monitor, the smaller desktop (or laptop), the tablet, and the mobile phone. As a visitor to your sites screen gets smaller, the content shifts and changes to the best display for each screen …

Why should I care about mobile responsive design?

Because you want the visitors to your website to have the best experience possible, without forcing them to adapt themselves. There are essentially two ways you can give your audience a good experience utilizing responsive design:
  • Optimised Content Layout
    • If a reader is browsing your site from a mobile phone, they generally don’t have a lot of screen real estate to work with. Phones today will typically zoom out automatically, so that the entire website can be seen onscreen, giving your mobile reader a much better experience.
  • Visible Content Adaption
    • When a potential customer is browsing your site from a mobile phone, chances are they aren’t that concerned with how pretty your site is. They want to know what your hours are, where you’re located, how to request a quote or make a booking.
    • Your potential customer browsing from a desktop computer probably isn’t isn’t in as much of a hurry to see where you’re located and what your phone number is. Most likely, he’s looking to find out more about your products, services or company.

Mobile responsive design is the future of the web!

Mobile responsive design is all about automatically delivering your audience the content they want, within the context that they’re viewing it. It’s revolutionary for online publishers, because (for most) responsive design eliminates the need for multiple versions of your site, or expensive development and maintenance. One website, multiple versions. Perfect simplicity, great utility for the reader.

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